
When encountering "Plum," one sees "Plum" everywhere.


A smile is as bright as citrus, and peace and joy in one's work.


Your emergence, promises me a lifetime of tranquility like a lemon.


Dressed in 'kiwi', just for you.


Under the "grape" heaven, may "you" be delighted.


A Story within a Single Leaf

Proudct Introduction


Product Name: Plum
Variety: A Touch of Red
Origin: Sichuan
Characteristics: The flesh is extremely crisp, delicate, easily separates from the pit, and has a purely sweet taste.
Single Fruit Weight: 45-75g
Storage: Refrigeration
Ripening Season: May

Red-heart Kiwifruit

Product Name: Red-heart Kiwifruit
Origin: Sichuan
Features: The fruit has a round and plump shape, thin skin, thick flesh, and the pulp is delicious, juicy, and has a purely sweet taste.
Individual Fruit Weight: 90-110g
Storage: Refrigeration
Ripening Season: August - September

Ugly Tangerine

Product Name: Ugly Tangerine
Origin: Sichuan
Features: The fruit has a rough skin, with a fragrant aroma and sweet, tender flesh that is juicy and clearly segmented into distinct sections.
Individual Fruit Weight: 200-280g
Storage: Refrigeration
Ripening Season: December - April


Product Name: Grape
Origin: Sichuan
Features: Rich and aromatic, with thick flesh and large size, the grapes have a delicate texture and a taste that is pleasantly sweet and sour, as well as being juicy and moist.
Storage: Refrigeration
Ripening Season: July - October